I am a programmer and photographer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I specialize in JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS. My photography style includes street and portrait genres, with a preference for night mode.

My Background


Professional Experience and Skills

Joined in the Field

Education and Training

Completed in

Photography Style

Favorite Genres

Portfolio Website for Nojin Journey
shallow focus photography of man using a DSLR camera
shallow focus photography of man using a DSLR camera

Nojin's Programming and Photography Profile

Create a simple yet visually appealing portfolio website for Nojin, a talented programmer and photographer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Showcase his skills in JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS, as well as his passion for street and portrait photography.

man with backpack taking picture beside lake
man with backpack taking picture beside lake
Skills Showcase

Highlight Nojin's expertise in JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS on his portfolio website. Let visitors explore his programming and photography projects, all designed in a sleek and modern style that reflects his love for night mode.

man on top of mountain taking pictures
man on top of mountain taking pictures
Photography Portfolio

Curate a stunning photography portfolio for Nojin, featuring his captivating street and portrait photography work. Emphasize his unique style and passion for capturing moments in the night mode aesthetic.

woman using Nikon DSLR camera
woman using Nikon DSLR camera
selective focus of woman behind pink flowers holding red Samsung bridge camera about to take photo of flower
selective focus of woman behind pink flowers holding red Samsung bridge camera about to take photo of flower
woman in red and white plaid shirt and blue denim jeans holding black and white camera
woman in red and white plaid shirt and blue denim jeans holding black and white camera